Sunday, November 11, 2012

Embroidery,knitting, baking Sunday updates

 This is my yellow snow ball

close up

 Pink and green hexagon

close up

 more of the close up

 stack of knitted squares

 I decided to make a knitted blanket out of all the left over sock wool. My goal is to make two per day ,started last weekend and as of now have twenty finished, I do block them to 7 inches .

 and since I was to lazy yesterday I had to bake my Plum cake this morning,

This was all for today! I also have started a new shawl from the Knitting Delight group and will post about it as soon as I have more to show then the beginning of it.

1 comment:

  1. Schön was du wieder auf den Nadeln hast,auch die Patchwork Decke die du in Angriff nimmst,ich gebe dir einen Rat dass du die einzelnen Teile nicht zusammen nähen mußt du kannst sie zusammenstricken schaue mal bei Liane
    die beschreibt es ganz gut wie das geht.du sparst dir eine Menge Zeit.Ich hoffe du kommst klar.
    LG Hannelore
