Saturday, July 21, 2012

Marmor Kuchen-Marbled Cake

I have my friend Doris over for Brunch today. So yesterday after work I made this Marmor Kuchen-Marbled Cake. Doris will bring some chicken salad and egg salad so I decided to bake bread,the dough is still rising so pictures later.For dinner our friend Alex will be here and we`ll put some rib's,steak and chicken on the grill . I made my tortellini salad and called my kids to let them know I will drop off the leftovers for them, both boys work late so they have dinner tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Rita, your cake looks amazing. A recipe post would a great follow-up.

    I've enjoyed my visit to your blog this evening. I stayed much longer than I should have...time to get busy now.

    Judy in MS
